Navy OAR Score Requirements (2024)

Last Updated on November 16, 2023

If you are interested in becoming a Naval Officer and are wondering about the Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR) exam score requirements for each Navy Officer job, then you have found your answer. 

This guide provides the list of Navy OAR score requirements for all Navy Officer programs during Fiscal Year 2024.

I have compiled below the OAR score requirements for all Navy Officer programs that require it for application. These are sourced from officer Navy publications. 

The jobs listed in the table below are only those that require applicants to take the OAR. All other Navy Officer jobs do not require applicants to challenge the OAR. 

You may also find more detailed information in this Quick Guide: How to Become a Naval Officer, where you will find the actual step-by-step instructions toward this aim. 

Contact your local Navy Officer Recruiter if you have further questions. 

Click on each officer position in the table below to read the complete application requirements for that specific job. 

Navy OAR Score Requirements 

Naval Officer Program OAR Score Requirement 
Surface Warfare Officer (SWO) 42 or higher, waiverable to 39 
Naval Intelligence Officer (INTEL) 50 or higher, waiverable to 45 
Supply Corps Officer (SC) 45 or higher 
Public Affairs Officer (PAO) 40 or higher, waiverable to 37 (if GPA >3.0) 
Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer (AMDO) 45 or higher 
Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) 45 or higher, waiverable to 40 
Oceanography (OCEANO) 45 or higher 
Cryptologic Warfare Officer (CW) 45 or higher, waiverable to 40 
Information Professional (IP) 50 or higher, waiverable (if otherwise competitive) 
Source: Navy Personnel Command

Also Read: Navy Officer Age Limit (Comprehensive List)

NOTE: These requirements may change without notice. Contact your local Naval Officer Recruiter for the most current Navy Officer program requirements. 

Remember, your OAR score is only one requirement for Navy Officer programs. There are various other aspects to Navy Officer applications, and therefore many opportunities for mistakes when you apply

For instance, those who are required to take the OAR are also required to attend the Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) prior to commissioning.

Again, click on the officer positions in the table above to learn more about the specific requirements for that job. 

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